Daycare Center Accident Lawyer in Fairfield County
Daycare center negligence can range from neglect to physical and sexual abuse of children.
Parents across Fairfield County trust daycare center operators to keep their children safe from harm. But while it's natural to expect children to be exposed to a safe and secure environment while at daycare, sometimes this not the case. Daycare accidents happen every day in Connecticut and throughout the United States, often resulting in serious, potentially life-threatening injuries to children and wrongful death claims. In only a moment's notice, an entire family's future may be turned upside-down due to broken bones, traumatic brain injuries and other injuries resulting from the accident. Sometimes children are abused or subject to unsanitary conditions.
How do daycare accidents happen?
At Vishno Law Firm, we understand accidents at daycare centers can happen for a variety of different reasons. While a daycare facility member may claim your child's accident was unavoidable, this is often not the case. Daycare employees are responsible for following all necessary safety guidelines to keep children safe. They're responsible for eliminating all potential hazards and responsibly supervising children at all times. A list of potential daycare hazards is long and distressing, including the following:
- Wet floors
- Loose handrails on stairways
- Unsafe playground equipment
- Falling objects
- Dangerous toys
- Falls from heights
- Exposure to chemicals
- Physical or sexual abuse
- Exposure to unsanitary conditions
Signs of day care negligence
Some signs of day care negligence may be easy to detect. You may see physical injuries - bruises or cuts, fractures or broken bones. But the abuse also may take the form of psychological or sexual abuse, which can leave unseen scars that may last much longer than physical injuries.
We're ready to fight for you. Contact us today
Accidents happen fast, but daycare accident victims often find their lives complicated for years to come.
Your recovery can be difficult, but getting justice shouldn't have to be. Let Vishno Law Firm be your voice. Let us handle the insurance company red tape. Attorney Jeremy Vishno has a proven track record of getting results. He helps clients who need compensation for their medical expenses, pain and suffering and other losses related to a daycare accident.
Put your trust in a Fairfield County law firm that puts people first. For over 25 years, Vishno Law Firm has worked tirelessly to help clients secure compensation and closure for their injuries.
Attorney Vishno and his experienced staff work one-on-one with each client to ensure each case gets the attention it deserves. He knows how to find the facts. He leaves no stone unturned on behalf of his clients. Take a stand. Call 888-222-1688 to schedule a free case consultation at our Fairfield or New Haven office locations.